Saturday, December 6, 2014

Among the Giants

When we left Arizona, we spent a few days relaxing in mineral pools in a California desert oasis. After  traveling nearly 14,000 miles, it was good to soak in the heat of the hot springs.

We then drove north, through olive and citrus groves, where the fruit hung heavy on the trees. 

The road wound up into the Sierra Nevada mountain range, until at 6500 feet we found the giants. 

The Giant Sequoias of Sequoia National Park. Walking among these giants, we realized that many of them were seedlings before Jesus was born.

The people who are barely visible in the lower-left corner of this photo give perspective of the sequoia's size.

The General Sherman tree is said to be the world's largest tree by weight and by volume--1385 tons and 52,500 cubic feet. This iPhone panorama shot doesn't begin to capture its size.

From Sequoia National Park, we drove into Kings Canyon National Park, where we saw another of the world's largest trees, the General Grant tree, which is 40 feet in diameter. 

One of the fallen sequoias was large enough to walk through.

Photos and words are not adequate to describe the size and impact of these enormous trees. They truly are giants, whose size and age point to the power and majesty of the One who created them.

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