We hadn't seen each other for 21 years. But, it didn't take long to pick up our relationship and talk about important things--about death, life, the past . . .
About our time together in Wheaton, when Mary worked with Bas at World Relief and when Dave and Bas served as elders at our church.
About Dave's time working with Food for the Hungry and about their time in Thailand, where Dave not only used his doctoral degree in nonformal adult education, but also where they adopted two Thai children.
About each of their four children, who are on unique journeys.
About the future. They are in a difficult place now. A time of waiting. Dave is currently looking for work. While that has its own stresses, it also means that he is available to help Mary and her mom and their two children who are still living at home.
This is a painful time for Dave and Mary but it is also a sacred time. They are living with Mary's mom on this side of the thin veil between now and eternity. Each day they are faithful. Each day they love her. Each day they prepare her for meeting her Savior.
The day after writing this post we learned that Mary's mom left this earth and is now in the presence of the Lord she loved. She is waiting no more.
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